I am an incoming Assistant Professor in the School of Computing within the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, at Grand Valley State University, Michigan. Previously, I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Temple University, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Philadelphia, with Dr. Richard Souvenir and Professor Stephen MacNeil. My research interests lie broadly at the intersection of Privacy and Security, Usable Privacy, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with a particular focus on studying and designing user-centered privacy enhancing technologies for smart internet connected devices. I completed my PhD in Computer Science at Indiana University Bloomington, supervised by a wonderful human being and the coolest mentor, Professor Apu Kapadia.
Using contextual interviews, and mixed method research designs, I have investigated how individuals especially bystanders interact and maintain their privacy in shared spaces with smart devices. Grounded on traditional Privacy Theory literatures, I aim to uncover how the modern ‘socio-technical’ space with the evergrowing presence of smart devices is shaping individuals privacy perceptions, concerns, and their privacy needs in interaction with these devices. My work also involves designing, developing, and evaluating privacy enhancing technologies for such devices especially in the context of human-IoT interaction.
Before joining the PhD program at Indiana University, I completed my undergraduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. Shortly after completing my undergrad, for a brief time, I worked as a software developer at SSD-TECH. I also served as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at United International University, Bangladesh. I have always loved and taken the opportunity to share the ups and downs of my personal growth as an academic and inspire young scholars from Bangladesh to pursue their research career and ambitions.
Apart from academic activities, I have always been passionate about sports. I love playing and analysing Soccer games. I also like visiting new places and meeting new people.